From Crisis to Self Sufficiency

Who hasn’t had a life changing, jaw dropping, gut wrenching crisis happen to them or a loved one?  We all know that it’s just a matter of time or we would never purchase insurance.  Life is a bit like survival of the fittest.  A crisis usually occurs when we are least prepared.  The goal of Hill Country Family Services is to help individuals and families overcome life’s most challenging crises whenever they occur.  The people who come to HCFS are shell shocked and need immediate help.  Most people don’t want handouts.  They also want dignity, respect and want to be self-sufficient again. HCFS offers case management services, crisis financial resources, a life skills curriculum and operates a year-round free grocery store allowing people to shop for their basic needs.  In doing their own shopping, our clients not only have a sense of dignity, but also a higher satisfaction with the food they are able to choose.  We offer donated food, as well as deeply discounted food from the San Antonio Food bank and other sources. There is no charge to those referred or to the people and agencies that send them. They may shop for food to supplement their income during times of crisis. Our philosophy is all about empowerment and self-sufficiency.  That means we have developed programs to meet the needs of clients. We create pathways through financial literacy and budgeting, ESL classes, education life skills classes and other local resources for them to return to self-sufficiency and a new normal.   Join us!  We are always seeking volunteers, donors, donations of food and household goods to help us help clients who need a little help from their friends in their time of crisis.