11 Oct HCFS Hosting Mental Health Awareness Event – Boerne Star Article
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth ages 15 to 34. 50 percent of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14. These statistics get your attention and are issues we face right here in our community. St. Mark Presbyterial Church and Hill Country Family Services in Boerne are partnering to bring a Mental Health Awareness Event to Boerne on Wednesday, Nov. 16, to talk about awareness in ourselves, family and friends and to discuss resources for help. The event is targeted at teens and young adults, but all are welcome.“We are thankful to be coordinating this effort to bring together youth, young adults and mental health professionals to educate each other about the signs of anxiety, depression and other mental health disorders and the powerful and effective resources available right here in our community. The tools gained will help those who attend and their loved ones, “St. Mark Presbyterian Church Pastor Ann Marie Quigley-Swanson said when asked about the importance of this event states
We have a number of community mental health leaders presenting at the event including Boerne High School Football Coach Chenon Hendrix, local professional counselor Michelle Holcomb, Boerne Independent School District faculty member Heather Maloney, Mental Health & Development Disabilities Center Amy Anderson, Hill Country Family Services Director of Behavioral Health Bryce Boddie, and Mental Health Community Resource Officers. This group of speakers will lead a discussion on recognizing mental health issues, the importance of early intervention and support and the resources that are available for help.
This free event will be 6-7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov.16, at the Boerne Public Library’s outdoor amphitheater.
For more information contact Jay McElhenney, Outreach Elder, St. Mark Presbyterian Church, at jay. mcelhenney@gvtc.com