HCFS is celebrating Christmas all summer long!

HCFS is celebrating Christmas all summer long!  Look for the HCFS Christmas trees at local community partners.  Select an Adopt a Family from the tree.  Fill out the card to adopt a family for $15 and mail your contribution back using the addressed and stamped envelope OR just go to www.hcfstx.org/donate and contribute your help online.

You can find HCFS Christmas trees from June 7th – July 31st  at the following local businesses:

Patrick Heath Boerne Public Library: http://www.boernelibrary.org/197/Library

Mercedes of Boerne: https://www.mbboerne.com/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=organic

Salty and Sweet: https://www.saltyandsweetboerne.com/

YMCA of Boerne: https://ymcasatx.org/boerne